(scroll down to view ALL testimonials)

I hit the jackpot on this little man!
Just by telling Ted what I wanted he knew the perfect horse for me!
Thanks Ted for a gem! - Satisfied Customer
Satisfied Customer

Hi Windy Hill!
I wanted to let you know how well Que is doing! He is turning into a dressage star and I’m hoping to take him all the way up to third level.
Satisfied Customer

Satisfied Customer

We recently adopted an older horse from a rescue for my 8yr old son. this horse happened to have a windy hill brand. I contacted the owner of this facility and although he hadn't laid hands on or seen this horse for years, nor had any idea what bad habits he may have picked up over the years, he said if we ran into any issues and he would help. This horse has been a godsend and has become my son's best friend. you can tell he's been part of a great training program bc from what we could gather he's sat for years but walked right off and has taken care of my son from day one. You will be hard pressed to find any trainer who will stand behind their training program after the horse has been out of their hands for years. And to offer any help if we needed it was also something that speaks to the honesty and integrity of this trainer. Also the reaction we have received anytime fellow horsemen see the brand has never been anything less then "Oh, that's a Windy Hill brand, you got a good one there, they make great horses."
Satisfied Customer

We purchased a Haflinger cross mare from Windy Hill Farm a few years ago. When looking for a new horse again, we went right to Windy Hill Farm. This time, I also took the Horsemanship Bootcamp with Nicole. I was able to take the camp using the Haflinger we were purchasing. I cannot say enough about the experience. Nicole was amazing! Such a sweet, kind, patient, understanding, knowledgeable horsewoman. She was able to access my level and work with me on skills I needed to improve my horsemanship. Working with Ted is always a pleasure. He is a wealth of information, with his knowledge and experience. Everyone at Windy Hill is very friendly and welcoming. Our new Haflinger should be arriving Friday. We are looking forward to enjoying him in the years to come.
Thank you Ted, Nicole and the Windy Hill Farm staff!
Satisfied Customer

I absolutely love my filly by Chocante ! She is by far one of the smartest, sweetest and most athletic horses I have had the pleasure of owning. He defiantly passes his incredible traits on to his off spring and anyone would be lucky to have a foal by him !
Satisfied Customer

Hi, Ted-
Here is my heartfelt testimonial in support of your farm for bringing Jolene into my life. (I know she was “Misty” at Windy Hill, but my barn already had a Misty.)
I was distraught and disappointed when I reached out to you. I had purchased a horse from a different farm, and he was not a good fit. I needed a horse that was reliable for me so I could lead novice horses or inexperienced riders on trail rides. I was grateful that you were willing to trade my gelding for this wonderful Appaloosa mare who has such a gentle spirit and who is a natural babysitter. Jolene is everything that I wanted in a horse, and she will be a friend for life! Thank you, Ted and Windy Hill.
PS-Jolene joins Queenie, another Windy Hill gal, who now belongs to my mother.

Thank you for sharing your horsemanship skills. It has been refreshing to find a teacher of horsemanship rather than a showman. Your quiet demeanor, knowledge base, and breaking your instruction down to simplest terms is so helpful. Thank you! I have taught at the middle school level for over twenty years, and the parallelism between guiding students and horses is uncanny. It really is on both accounts about gentleness ant trust. I think every teacher should watch your instructional videos and thread them into their classroom management plan.
Loyal Fan

My Bravo is a Dream Horse for me! We make a harmonious pair! Snow Man, My Unicorn Horse, Love Dove, My Carousel Horse, pictures to come!! Horse Heaven is all I can say
Satisfied Customer

A truly astounding group of horse people! Giving their support to a fat, old lady with love, and compassion! I did not have even one moment of negative energy around me!!!
Satisfied Customer

Hi Ted,
Just wanted to share some pics with you. Poppy is such a good boy and he’s doing great his job of teaching horsemanship, riding, and the love of horses to a couple of lucky kids here at the farm. I just love him!
Satisfied Customer

Thank you Ted. We received the Coggins for Radar. He settled into his new barn right away but then again there is no doubt about the horses you prepare. It’s a pleasure to have a Windy Hill horse with Radar being our second one. Other new horses come into the barn and are out of control. Radar came in, his head was up looking around and just stood there not causing any raucous and ready to go to work. There was no problem when introduced to his new stall either. Other horse owners are amazed that our horses from you are so calm and remain that way. Radar had no problem with two of our grandchildren, ages 8 & 6, being around him, grooming him, and working in-hand with him. Please thank Johnny for us for taking the time to show us and work with us with Radar when we were at Windy Hill. His insights were much appreciated also.
Thank you again for the time you spent with us and for what you do for the horses and taking the time to make them useful and welcome additions to any barn.
Kevin & Debbie

I can’t believe that it’s been a year since I was with you for my Horsemanship Bootcamp and to find a matching horse.
Donte is everything I had hoped for from a horse. He has settled into the barn wonderfully. He loves to trail ride and comes to the stable door as soon as he sees the saddle; he continues to ground tie beautifully and trailers without hesitation.
He continues on his “Windy Hill Diet” of Oats and DAC, so his coat shines as beautifully as it did at your barn.
Every day Claudia and I remark on how blessed we are to have our two horses from Windy Hill. They are a testament to natural horsemanship and your training.
Claudia and I just rode Mohican and Malabar with Doc (Dakota) and Donte. They performed beautifully even with the very very wet & muddy trail conditions.
Our best wishes to you and Kathy. Keep up the wonderful work and we hope to see you in Millersburg again.

Hello Ted,
Thought I’d send you a picture of boomerang a couple months after I’ve had him. He is absolutely wonderful ! I trailer out a lot and he’s such a trooper and a gentleman. I truly love him! Was wondering if I could get an update on Maili? Is she working with your staff? I would think she would cooperate. Ghanks,

Blondie is fabulous- she has a home for life!
Satisfied Customer

Little red was a perfect angel at her first drill competition!! We just love her! Thank you
Satisfied Customer

Just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying Boomarang. He is such a delight and a gentleman. Been trail riding him a lot . Just can’t get over how wonderful he is. thanks so much Ted! I hope Maili is improving ! God bless,

Can say you are great people at Windy Hill and appreciate all the help you have given us over the years. After loosing my mom to cancer in 2007, I lost not only my best friend but the one who helped me so much with the horses and what to do if things go wrong. We have been blessed to have you guys to step in and help us out. Can’t say that about very many people in the horse world who sell you a horse then help you even years afterwards with problems that arise. God bless you guys! True Horseman and true family people.

I wanted to share this picture of Loki (Lonesome Midnight Traveler) with you and your wife. I purchased this black Missouri Fox Trotter from you 5 years ago. You told me that you train horses for multiple uses because you never know how a buyer will use the horse. I used Loki for trail riding for 4 years. I decided to start showing him last summer in addition to trail riding. We won High Point for the Gaited Horse Division last summer and again yesterday. In addition to the ranch horse show classes, such as ranch rail, ranch trail, ranch confirmation and ranch pattern, I also entered him in the obstacle challenge classes on an IMTCA-certified course. Loki won first in the Intermediate in-hand obstacle class and second in the Intermediate riding obstacle class.
Thank you for accepting this gaited horse into your training program
Satisfied Customer

First and foremost - hope all is going well in your neck of the woods.
I went with Delilah to Elkins Creek Horse Camp in Pedro, Ohio. Teddy was fantastic. The trails were muddy, sloppy and slippery in spots. Both trails we explored started with about 30 or so incline before it leveled off (it never really was “level” lol). There were a couple downed trees that he stepped over without hesitation. Another tree was considerably larger. Teddy stopped - I was encouraging him - Delilah said trust your horse. I could tell Teddy was thinking what to do. He went left stepped over a smaller part of the downed tree with several branches, blazed his own path, and worked his way back on the trail. All with no guidance from me. I thought that was quite impressive.
Bottom line - thank you for a great horse! One of these days I am going post something on the Windy Hill page about the wonderful experience I’ve had both with you and so far with Teddy.
Thanks again - God bless!

First ride on Dream at home..she did so good!

My new baby re-named “Lily May” from Windy Hill Farms. Ted DeHass finishes them just right for us grandmas.
Satisfied Customer

Dear Ted and Kathy DeHass,
You advertise that you train horses for multiple purposes because you never know how the horse will be used. That has certainly been the case with my horse. I purchased Loki, a Missouri Fox Trotter, from you 5 years ago for trail riding. After practicing my equitation in an indoor arena during this past winter, I purchased a horse trailer and entered Loki in 4 horse shows just for fun. It had been 45 years since I entered a horse show, so it was an experience for both horse and rider. Our practicing paid off in both the gaited and non-gaited classes..I am proud to say that we won 9 first places, 6 second places, 4 third places, 2 fourth places, 2 fifth places and 1 sixth place. Our shining moment was winning high point for the entire gaited ranch horse division. I have attached 2 pictures from the gaited pattern class showing his collected and extended fox trot. Then there were times that I tried something new that I wouldn't have been able to do without Loki's training. For example, a gaited trail obstacle class required the rider to rope a fake steer. I have never roped in my life, so I wasn't planning to enter. However, the judging was based upon how well the horse stood while the rider threw and retrieved the lasso. I knew Loki would stand still, but I didn't know if he had ever seen a fake steer. So I bought a lasso, rode him into the practice arena and swung the rope around in the air as fast as a could. Loki didn't move an inch. I held up a fake steer head and he ignored it, so I entered him in the class. Not only did I miraculously rope the steer horn, but we won first place.
I also enjoy your horse training videos on YouTube. Thank you for what you do for the horse riding community.

I'm so in love with this mare. Emily is the most hilarious character, with the biggest heart. Her lope is SO big - I'm still learning how to get some lift out of her and lighten her front end - but we'll get it. I just adore her.
Satisfied Customer

Hi Ted, I know that you probably hear this all the time, but I just want you to know that because of you and your farm and your videos I am having the time of my life. Your videos are priceless and I continue to watch them all the time. Betty is the sweetest horse and I can't believe how much she knows! She meets me at the gate and loves to be pet. God has blessed me..I knew she was the right one that day in April when you brought her out. God bless you (He Has) and hopefully we will get to come out again. Give Kathy a big hug and let her know how much she touched our lives. Sincerely,

Bingo is a great horse!

Hey Ted,
I had to share some pictures. We still absolutely love our DJ! My youngest seems to have a bond with him and is starting to take an interest in riding. So glad I have such a smart, gentle horse for her to get started with!

Hi Ted,
Just wanted to give you an update on Poppy. He is a perfect gentleman! I just adore him. I've been riding him 3 days per week and am teaching lessons on him 2 days per week. He is such a fun horse to ride. After having a week off, I took him out on our trails alone yesterday and he was the happiest guy! We cantered along the prairies and even saw some Sandhills cranes...he was very brave and didn't spook at all. Just did a double take 😂. I am also having fun training him on our working equitation obstacles. The foundation you've given him literally make it possible to do anything with him! I am currently teaching 4 students (5 year old beginner, 6 year old beginner, 14 year old intermediate, and a 26 year old beginner). He is just amazing with all of them. Thank you so much for selling him to us! Here are a few pictures of him from today with my daughter. He walks right up to her in the pasture ❤️ and today she rode him at the walk by herself in a halter ☺️
Satisfied Customer

Hi, I bought Teddy on 4/9/2017 and he arrived to me in CT on the 10th. He is just the sweetest pony ever. From the moment he got off the trailer I knew I made the right choice. I was nervous buying sight unseen as having a bad experience before, but Ted talked to me, made me feel comfortable and told me if he did not work out he would buy him back. I did just what Ted told me to and there was not one issue. I gave him about a week to settle in with the others and I took him in and groomed him and just spent time with him. The dominance issue with my mare and him ended before it began, they are great buddies and he gets along great with the 2 mini donkeys, they are not afraid to tell him what to do. It is funny to watch. I just want to let you know how happy I am with Teddy and I would not hesitate to buy again from you. Thank you for my One in a Million Pony, we love him.

Merry Christmas!!! I live in Arizona and travelled to Ohio to train with and buy my horse "Splash" (Dawson!)Thank you sooo much Ted for all you do! At 51 and a first time rider I was so nervous about picking a horse after the experience with our first one! My horse I brought back from your farm is wonderful and enjoying the trails out here in the desert and mountains!!

My niece Kiara has a pony named Scooby from Ted at Windy Hill such a great pony and a great experience at the farm. Thankyou..
Shelli Lynn

Thank you Windy Hill you have great horses!!

Laura Hillary So privileged to have one of your horses! Saint is my dream come true.

I highly recommend them to anyone wanting to improve their horsemanship skills! I don't care who you are, there is always something new to learn more about horses and how you interact with them. Windy Hill has awesome instructors and horses! I can't recommend them highly enough!

Hi Ted,
I’m so happy to share a story with you about a sweet horse you finished a long time ago.
We recently purchased “Sassy Easter Belle,” nowadays called “Penny,” for our eleven year old son. We knew we had to find just the right horse for Eli, because he happens to have a hand anomaly and therefore doesn’t have ten fingers to grasp hold of the reins. When we went looking for a horse, one owner was sure her 18 year old mare would be a good fit based on my long list of requirements. My friend Carolyn and I drove three hours away to a different state to meet this mare. And boy was it a good thing we brought that trailer!
Carolyn was the expert, and when she mounted Penny she knew in a moment that she was a great horse. Carolyn barely needed the reins because she responded so nicely. Penny was gentle and easily led, and didn’t startle when we put her to the test. But the chills set in when her owner told us that a previous owner had actually ridden her one handed...due to an arm anomaly! Talk about destiny. We knew then without a doubt she was meant to be Eli’s horse.
I was very curious about the WH brand I saw on her, and her owner explained that she was originally from a place called "Windy Hill Farm" in Ohio, and told me to look them up. You can imagine my pleasant surprise when I did. It is no wonder that Penny is such an amazing horse, even after all these years. Seeing your videos and watching what you do with horses only confirmed what I already knew. Penny is every bit of what you say your horses are, even now at the age of 18.
Thank you for your amazing work and for making a wish come true long before it had even been wished. Because of your hard work and dedication to horses, Eli and Penny are a perfect match. We brought her home that day and with our whole family there, we surprised Eli. He’s been at the barn with her every day since.
I’m sending you the video of the surprise along with a couple pictures. Feel free to share and/or post anything I’ve sent you.

Wantedo share a picture of Reba doing what she does best. These girls love this mare and she takes such good care of them. Clover is doing fantastic as well!
Satisfied Customer

I can't say enough about Ted and his team at Windy Hill Farm. I was a horse owner that had lost their confidence. I had been through a few horses that were not the horse I had ridden when I purchased them I felt like I had the wool pulled over my eyes. I was discouraged and sad that I was not able to give these horses what they needed to get on the right path and that I did not have the horse I needed or thought I was buying. After searching the internet looking for methods of horsemanship to try and find something I could do to help get my horses to better places I stumbled across Windy Hill and my jaw dropped. I watched the videos in aww of these horses and the people working with them. I decided to give Ted a call and talk to him and boy am I glad I did!!! Ted talked with me at length many times. Talked through issues I was having with my horses and suggested a horse that would fit my needs. He assured me that the mare was fantastic and would more than fit the bill. Unlike my normal self I kind of threw caution to the wind and went with it! Best thing I have ever done for myself. I had never bought a horse site unseen and believe me I was nervous but I lived far away and it was too difficult to get there to take a look first hand. I had never met Ted or his team but something told me to go for it. Ted worked with me and even took my horse that needed work on as a trade to help with the price. He worked out the shipping and before you know it I had a new horse in my barn. The first day I tacked her up with anxiety and apprehension...this had to be to good to be true right?!?! Surely she would not be as good as the video right?!?! I got on and within minutes I had the biggest smile on my face. It was a face filled with joy! She was everything he said she was and MORE! Miss Reba wowed the socks off us. Within two weeks of having her we took her to two shows and she not only showed in adult under saddle classes and performed flawlessly but we also put a two year old on her for a lead line class and she carried that little girl like an egg on her back taking care of her. We knew immediately she was not only a keeper but we needed another one! We now have two Windy Hill horses and I can tell you we will never own anything else. All of our horses will come from Windy Hill from here out.
I can not put into words how easy Ted made the process and helped reassure me the whole way. He went out of his way to put the right horses in my hands and I can't say a big enough THANK YOU to him and his team.
If you don't have a Windy Hill horse yet get one! You will not be disappointed! Feel free to contact me I am happy to talk to anyone about my experience with Windy Hill if you have reservations buying site unseen. Trust me you won't regret it!!!

Just wanted to share with you the Mother's Day Fun we had with our Windy Hill Horses!! God bless you and praying Kathy's health is doing well! I am not on Facebook anymore so I am not sure where she is in her journey but we are praying for her!
Heather and Audrey Bjerke

Dear Ted,
I wanted to let you know Annie and I are doing great !! I LOVE HER !! She is the best thing for me and she could not be more PERFECT!! She seems to be very happy and is definatly a lot more horse than she was when i tried her! So we practice very consistent horsemanship and don't ask for more than I can handle ! I am taking lessons with my daughter which is a blast and she thinks Annie is a very cute mover ! Annie is also PERFECT for my 2 babies !! Thank you for a wonderful purchasing experience !! And thank you for my new" BEST FRIEND".

Hi Ted,
We had a friend whose horse came up lame, so she borrowed Abby for a local clinic. The mare has been awesome. Thought I'd share a couple of pics of her clearing jumps.
Just wanted you to know we are taking good care of her and having fun.
Thanks for all the work you put into her!

Just a special Thank you to some special people.....Want to Thank Mr. Ted for fixing me up with a perfect match for me......"Chisum " is everything I've ever dreamed of in a horse.....I'm almost 60 and got out of riding for 35 years.....when I got back in it I have been through five different horses trying to get a kind, gentle, horse to do the little country shows with.....To say the least went through some pretty bad experiences plumb down to getting my back broke on a cold-backed horse that I so stupidly bought.
I learned the hard way that it is better to get a horse that has been well trained for safety as well as enjoyment...... Mr. Ted at Windy Hill Farms has just that and "Chisum " was everything he said he was......
Once again a GREAT BIG THANK YOU!!!!

Upon becoming empty nesters my husband and I decided to fulfill one of our dreams and buy some horses. All I knew about horses was that I loved them and I knew little else. My first purchase was a horse which had been left to do nothing but graze for 5 years but his personality won me over. He hung all over me when I visited him and I was sold. I had a trainer work with him for a month, but he was still not happy about coming out of retirement. His temperament was not suitable at all for a beginner. I knew then I had made a mistake. I stumbled upon Windy Hill Farms just by chance on the internet. I talked to Ted on the phone about what my needs were and I felt like I had met a man who could match me with the right horse. He took my horse in at a fair trade price and matched me up with a horse that was far for suitable for a beginner. She is with me today after a year and our relationship has blossomed into what horse owners dream of. She has become my well love friend and I am attentive to her every need and warning of pain she tells me about in her horsey way. If you are new to horses and get scared from time to time, don’t worry, that will melt away with time and practice.
This is how I see what Ted did for me. I do not have the time to look at hundreds of horses for sale nor did I have the knowledge to select the right one for a beginner like myself. Ted on the other hand does nothing but look at horses to purchase. He has spent years around them and has the experience and know how to match horse and rider together well. I spent most of the day with Ted and his staff when he matched me up with Dreamer. She, unlike my horse, was far more obedient and passive than my large gelding. I may have looked for months before I found a horse as perfect for me as my girl Dreamer. They had spent hours of training with her on a daily basis. She knew what was expected of her and they knew her personality well.
What Ted will do is spend the day with you teaching you your horse’s signals. He is available by phone or email readily for any questions after purchase.
You don’t usually get any “customer service” with the purchase of a horse. With Windy Hill you get that and more. You might pay a tad more for your horse at Windy Hill than you will if you hunt a horse down for yourself but we don’t have that sort of time to spare. I am very satisfied with my experience at Windy Hill. But, what remains true is that your success depends on your horsemanship. You have to put yourself into the work 100% and learn all you can about taking care of horses. You cannot be half committed. But if you are a true horse lover you can purchase a horse from Ted with confidence. I believe he won’t sell you a horse that is not right for you. He is in contact with me today well after a year later. Dreamer and I are jumping, trail riding alone, and all sort of arena riding. The more you put in, the more you will get out. Finally, I am actually living the dream!
Hello, on e again riding the WHF brand, made me proud, what a fabolous mare Missy is😍

Hi Ted, this is part of our regular ride with our Windy Hill rock stars. That’s Carol on Ringo, Sue on Elvis, and our friend on her brown and white. Can’t beat vermont in the fall.

My 86 year old grandmother on Dallas (a Windy Hill Farm horse!)

This is one of Ted’s horses I got from him 2 years ago. She is a dream like all of his horses.

I bought Journey (Slim) from Ted nine years ago. I can't say enough good about Ted or the horse I got. He was everything Ted said he would be.
In the nine years I've owned him, he never once did anything wrong, not once.
I'm not a spring chicken. At the time I was 57 years old also I'm not a confident or relaxed rider but Journey didn't mind. He still tried to please me no matter what.
I highly recommend if you want a good horse, get one from Ted. He will give you the kind of horse you want.
I am definitely getting another horse from Ted.
Count your Blessings!

Captain and I...
He’s my best friend
Scraped his nose on something, he’s so curious. Love this beautiful horse with all my heart. I ride him bareback a lot, we love being together.
I can never thank you enough Ted. He’s my dream horse.

I have to say, I’m truly enjoying this paint gelding I’ve named Shiloh from Ted DeHass (Windy Hill Farm)!! He’s very special and treats me so well! We had a wonderful couple days riding in Shawnee too.